Just like children, adults also love surprises. Not surprisingly, advent calendars are made for model train enthusiasts. NOCH does she also make for N scale.
There are no dolls in the advent calendar that belong to a Christmas scene. There is an explicit warning about this on the box. Now that’s not really a problem because most layouts don’t have that as their main theme.
What’s behind each door is a surprise. More than half the conclusion is that there is sufficient variation. Suddenly sheep appeared on my layout, hikers came into view and mountaineers climb rock formations. Many themes, such as the walkers and ‘workers’, recur repeatedly. That’s nice if you don’t have enough of these yet, but with the third woodcutter it became difficult to find another tree.
Converted, based on the suggested retail price, you pay about 1.80 euros per figure. Normally that is more than 2 euros. Of course you don’t do it for that, it’s mainly the fun you experience with the calendar. Every day a surprise, a small gift for yourself. That is best in December.
- Advent Calendar
- Supplier: NOCH
- Item number(s): 36994
- Target price: € 43.99
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