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it can be done: realistic short eurocity model trains

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work on the track with an excavator

Dark Light

If you want to portray a realistic length of an intercity train on a model railroad, you often run out of meters on the layout. An average intercity soon has more than ten cars. This quickly makes the length to scale nearly 2 meters. That is as long as a door is high. And very monotonous. Fortunately, the big rail company also runs short and colorful intercity trains.

The Eurocity

In the late 1980s, several European railroads united to jointly introduce the Eurocity. Fast and comfortable train connections between major cities. Many countries already had their own intercity networks. With the Eurocity, this was made cross-border. Each train had first and second class offerings. Includes a restoration opportunity. With an average of 100 km/hour over the entire route and a maximum of five minutes of stopping time, a trip was envisioned.

The first Eurocity trains

Because both rail carriers and passengers had to get used to this new concept, long trains were not used immediately. In some cases, four coaches served as intercity trains. The ability to eat something in a driving restaurant was also added only later. Known of these are the restoration coaches with their own pantographs. It was used only when no locomotive was coupled, never while driving. By the way, the pantographs were soon removed.

Relatively short trains also ran between the Netherlands and Germany. Between main village and Berlin. The Railmagazine website can be used to gain insight into the compositions. Includes a suggestion for the corresponding wagons in N scale.

The locomotives for the eurocity

The Dutch Railway 1100 series (Piko item number 40376, about 220 euros) can be used as a pulling power. The 1200 series, available through Piko under number 40461 and around 240 euros, was also often used. Later also drove the 1600 series. For the latter, consider the new and realistic variant from Fleischmann (732170 around 300 euros, digital with sound).

From Germany, the legendary BR 103 were also used for this purpose. These beautiful and very powerful locomotives are available from various suppliers. Fleischmann made models that also lived up to what they did on the layout. Very reliable, strong and beautiful. The digital version with sound is highly recommended (item 737891). The beige variant is then absolutely a must, since the “verkehrsrote” variants only came on the scene much later.

Ready-made Eurocity Frans Hals

Fleischmann recently (July 2023) offered the Eurocity Frans Hals. A set containing four coaches. The wagons in the set (item number 881915 and suggested retail price 110 euros) come in a number of color schemes and variations. This allows for realistic composition. Those who ask google to display images of the Frans Hals EC. Will see that the train has run in various compositions.

In short, depicting realistic Eurocity trains does not require many carriages or many of the same. The variety makes it possible to put together a short train that is attractive to the eye. With, for our editors at least, the most beloved locomotives of the Dutch 1600 and Germany BR103 series.

This article is also available in: Nederlands


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